The One Where I Pretend to Like Mornings

I am not capable of polite conversation before 8:00 am. Okay, that’s a joke, 10:00 am.

I’ve half-heartedly asked God on several occasions to make me a morning person, but still I prefer sunsets over sunrises.

Everything I read about being successful at achieving your dreams seems to have one common denominator—you need to take advantage of the morning.

I’ve ignored that small detail because I hate mornings. I’m different. I can be successful and sleep in. I’ll be a champion for night owls everywhere.

Continue reading “The One Where I Pretend to Like Mornings”

Whose Dream Is It Anyways?

When I decided to take the leap and purchase my own domain, was already taken. Who took it? I don’t know. But now my name must have a dash in the middle of it.

After deliberating for days over what to name my site (a kind friend told me Awkward & Grace sounded stupid, and I’m forever grateful), I decided to go with Sarah Laughed because I love the story in the Bible where Sarah laughs at God.

Turns out Sara Laughed is already taken. Granted it’s taken by a Sara who doesn’t spell her name the way God intended, but she’s super organized and giving out advice about conquering adulthood because she’s actually figured it all out. She’s even great at Bible Journaling, but I’m not bitter.

My site is nothing like hers, but I still felt wrong using her title. Continue reading “Whose Dream Is It Anyways?”

I Don’t Love You Anymore: An Open Letter to my Day Job

Dear Day Job,

I can’t believe it’s been five years. I remember our first day together as pure magic. I sat in orientation pinching myself because you were my new reality. I took pride in becoming a part of such a rich legacy of creativity and storytelling.

A giant Mouse hugged me and handed me a prize after I correctly answered the question, “What is our mission?”

We create happiness.

I couldn’t believe that my job was going to be making people happy. What an honor. What a privilege. What a dream—my dream.

You just won’t be my happily ever after. Continue reading “I Don’t Love You Anymore: An Open Letter to my Day Job”

Me, Myself, and Instagram

In addition to all the French Bulldog puppies, Christian posts with inspirational quotes or even scripture sprinkle my Instagram feed—making me feel a little better about the time I waste on my phone.

Several of these photos include women reading God’s word on the beach or under a tree in a meadow full of wildflowers. These women wear fashionably modest clothes and hold a warm cup of coffee all while gazing lovingly into their Bibles.

Don’t get me started on their Bibles. I get a serious case of Bible envy sometimes. You know the Bibles I’m talking about—they have wide margins filled with colorful designs and insightful notes about the scriptures. These women obviously wake up hours before the sun rises every day to carefully study God’s Word and write out His insights with perfect penmanship. Continue reading “Me, Myself, and Instagram”

10 Things I Hate About Me


I had given myself the usual falling-asleep-pep-talk last night–tomorrow will be different and you’ll wake up ready to hustle on your writing dream.  My alarm went off at 5:00 am like it does everyday. I snoozed until 7:08 am like I do everyday.


During my morning rush to make it to my day job by 8:00 am, I told myself I was going to have fun today and not let myself focus on all the things I hate about the job that used to be my dream but over the last five years has turned into my daily dread. That positive mindset lasted until about 8:27 am–right about the time other people began showing up, but still a new personal record as of late. Continue reading “10 Things I Hate About Me”