Be Still

I’ve never been a planner. I don’t know what my life will look like 5 hours from now let alone 5 years—except maybe spending more money on goal making planners that collect dust because my lack of planning is only bested by my ability to give up easily.

Still, this past December, I put in another good college try with a goal planner because 2020 was going to be different. I can’t write that sentence without laughing—hindsight is 20/20—hahaha—I crack myself up.

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Blankets are my love language. If you give me a blanket, I will be forever grateful and find a place for it.

Four different cozy throw blankets hang off the end of my bed. I keep one between my bed and the wall because it doesn’t go with my color scheme, but it’s soft and needed sometimes at night. I’ve draped two additional blankets over the chair in the corner of my room.

I’m cold natured, and the blankets are like a hug of warmth and comfort.

Fifteen years ago today, April 10, 2005, I was driving home from church on a two lane highway going 55 MPH. I topped a hill and saw headlights in my lane. My heart sank. My sister was in the car too. I sighed and whispered her name.

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Occupational Hazard

When filling out paperwork at the doctor’s office, I always hesitate how to answer the occupation question.

I am paid to dress up like a pirate and lie to children about being a member of Captain Jack Sparrow’s crew while painting their faces in the likeness of Captain Hook or Captain Jack himself or mermaids.

That doesn’t fit in the space provided.

My official title is Pirate Master, and I’ve just come to terms with the fact that in Central Florida people accept Pirate as a legit job description. If they don’t, it makes for a fun conversation.

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Me, Myself, and Instagram

In addition to all the French Bulldog puppies, Christian posts with inspirational quotes or even scripture sprinkle my Instagram feed—making me feel a little better about the time I waste on my phone.

Several of these photos include women reading God’s word on the beach or under a tree in a meadow full of wildflowers. These women wear fashionably modest clothes and hold a warm cup of coffee all while gazing lovingly into their Bibles.

Don’t get me started on their Bibles. I get a serious case of Bible envy sometimes. You know the Bibles I’m talking about—they have wide margins filled with colorful designs and insightful notes about the scriptures. These women obviously wake up hours before the sun rises every day to carefully study God’s Word and write out His insights with perfect penmanship. Continue reading “Me, Myself, and Instagram”